How to choose flashing heads of clear cylinder container machine JC-600 series
Some kinds of pvc cylinder package tube box need to use pvc or PET blister bottom or cap.However,due to technical reasons, many forming blister lids will still retain a parts of steps after being cut out, which makes them feel very uncomforable to be touch. (like picture below). So our clear cylinder container cap flashing machine is very useful.
Here, we have 4 design PVC/PET blister cap flashing machine below that design and made according to client request.
- manual design, single heads handle blister cap flashing machine model JC-600HH(H-handle)
- manual design single heads basic bilister cap flashing machine model JC-600H-1H(1H-1 head)
- semiauto four heads design standard blister cap flashing machine model JC-600H-4H(4H-4 head)
- automatic 40 heads updated design blister cap flashing machine model JC-600HW(W-whole plate)
Right now, let;s clear the question of many client, about how to choose the suitable model.
- for customers just want to make test or produce design process of clear cylinder container, JC-600HH is enough.
- for customers at the very beginning of produce and need small production, economic design JC-600H-1H is ok.
- Machine model JC-600-4H is the most popular model.The production is from 1500~2500pcs/hour adjustable. It is already suitable for many client production. And it have other two advantages, first, each to change flashing mold for different diameter caps cutting. second, price is acceptable by many client
- For the whole plate clear cylinder container plastic blister flashing machine model JC-600H-HW, Yes. it is very high working speed. But personally, i need to said it is suitable for only 1 or 2 different diameter plastic blister cap flashing work. Because there are 40 flashing mold, which design and made according to client sample, when need to change different diameter cap, molds must be change together. It is not only the cost of molds, but need times to change molds one by one and then adjust them. So. on the machine recommendation process, we always asked client. how many diameter of caps will be flashed by this machine and how open.
Hope the blog today could help my customers choose suitable plastic clear cylinder container cap flashing machine